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TEXIT: Why and How Texas Will Leave The Union is the first non-fiction book to delve into the motivations, the process, and the practicality of a modern-day Texas exit from United States. Channeling his 20 years of experience on the issue, author Daniel Miller, takes the reader through the historical and cultural foundations of Texit, its impact on mainstream politics, and plainly lays out the grievances expressed by many Texans that drive their support for an independent Texas. In this book you’ll get definitive answers to every question about TEXIT.
"Not since Thomas Paine penned Common Sense in 1776 has there been a more eloquent, researched and concise argument for providing citizens with the unencumbered freedom to choose their own destiny. TEXIT is a must read for all those who believe governments solely derive their power from the absolute consent of the governed.”
“As someone with close involvement in Brexit and Grexit, having actively fought and experienced the difficulties of fighting against the establishment and an almighty union, I regard Daniel Miller’s book as a snapshot into the future of the United States.”
"Unprecedented in any published work, Texit by Daniel Miller patiently gives the details – step by step – what must be done for the prophecy of President Sam Houston to come to fruition.”
"Whatever argument one can make against Texit, Miller’s “let us reason together” mantra makes such a compelling case that more and more Texans will be considering his work as a textbook to better days ahead.”