Daniel Miller Campaign Connects With Tens of Thousands of Voters At Conroe Rally

What do you do when tens of thousands of enthusiastic pro-freedom Texans congregate in one place at the same time? You introduce them to the alternative to Dan Patrick.

On Saturday, January 29th, President Donald Trump held a rally in Conroe at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds. On the list of speakers was none other than current Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Governor Greg Abbott. Knowing that there would be thousands of voters attending the rally that were frustrated with Dan Patrick’s inaction since 2014 on securing the border, lowering property taxes, and more, our campaign made the decision to attend and let voters know that there is an alternative to Patrick.

We were not disappointed.

A group of campaign volunteers from all over Texas arrived early Saturday morning. Led by Claver Kamau-Imani and Field Director Paul Robie, they spent over 10 solid hours connecting with thousands of voters who were excited to have Daniel Miller as an option for Lieutenant Governor.

A big thank you to the volunteers who traveled from all over Texas to help us connect with voters, spread our “Texas First” message, and gain tens of thousands of new votes for our campaign to elect Daniel Miller as the next Lieutenant Governor of the great State of Texas.

Connect with our campaign today at danielomiller.com/vote or make a contribution to help us win at danielomiller.com/donate.

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