At an endorsement convention where sitting Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick was a shoo-in for the endorsement, Daniel Miller gave Patrick more reason to worry.

During each Primary season, the TXRA hosts an endorsing convention for the purpose of vetting candidates running in contested Republican Primary races. TXRA vets and endorses candidates in Statewide races. On Saturday, January 22nd, the Texas Republican Assembly (TXRA) held their statewide endorsement convention. Candidates for every statewide office were invited to attend, give a short speech, and answer questions from the delegates.

To earn an endorsement from the TXRA, a candidate must secure votes from 2/3 of the membership. Each candidate is placed on a ballot and, with each round of voting, the candidate with the lowest votes is knocked off, and another round of voting ensues. This continues until only two candidates remain. If no candidate receives 2/3rds of the vote, the TXRA does not endorse.

The Lieutenant Governor ballot only went one round with Dan Patrick and Daniel Miller receiving votes and neither reaching the 2/3rds threshold. Given the amount of support for our campaign in the room and after the vote, Dan Patrick has every reason to be worried. Not only did Dan Patrick fail to receive 2/3rds of the vote, but it also appeared that he failed to even secure a majority.

In any other election cycle, Dan Patrick would have handily secured the endorsement. But his failure to get an endorsement from the TXRA with Daniel Miller as his only opposition shows that Daniel Miller can defeat Patrick and is on track to do just that.

The TXRA is the statewide affiliate of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, a grassroots movement of Reagan conservatives with chapters across the state of Texas. Known as the “Republican wing of the Republican Party,” the Republican Assemblies has the goal of returning the Republican party to its pro-Constitution roots by Reclaiming the Republican Party for Conservatives, Reforming the Party back to its Conservative Values, and Restoring Republicans’ faith in the GOP.

Watch Daniel’s opening remarks below.

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