In an address to a packed house at the Angelina County GOP meeting Tuesday night, Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller delivered a clear message: recent electoral victories should accelerate, not slow, the push for Texas independence.

The meeting drew an impressive array of Republican leadership, including Republican Party of Texas Vice Chair D’rinda Randall, SD-3 SREC members Daniel Hunt and Rhonda Ward, alongside TNM supporters from Smith, Cherokee, and Harris counties.

“Our mission runs deeper and broader than any single vote or election,” Miller declared. “It’s about building a Texas that is truly self-governing, truly independent, and truly free to chart its own course.”

Miller outlined critical steps Texas must take to strengthen its sovereignty, including establishing a Texas-based currency, reinforcing the independent power grid, securing the border, and expanding the Texas State Guard. He emphasized that these initiatives become “exponentially harder under hostile federal administration” and “even harder during a constitutional crisis.”

A key focus of Miller’s speech was the Texas Independence Referendum Act, legislation that would give Texans the opportunity to vote on independence. “Above all, we need legislation that gives Texas the opportunity to ask the fundamental question of our time – ‘Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?’” Miller emphasized.

The TNM president stressed the narrow window of opportunity presented by current political conditions. “With strong and effective grassroots political leadership in Texas and an incoming administration seemingly sympathetic to state sovereignty, some might be tempted to relax,” he cautioned. “That would be a catastrophic mistake.”

The speech resonated strongly with attendees as Miller laid out additional legislative priorities for the upcoming session, including bills to protect Texas’s power grid from federal interference and defend Texas businesses from federal overregulation.

“Every day we wait is a day our opponents use to strengthen their position,” Miller warned. “Every day we delay is a day federal bureaucrats use to embed themselves deeper into Texas governance.”

The evening concluded with Miller’s call to action, urging attendees to join TNM at TNM.ME and get involved with county-level organizations. “The window of opportunity is open right now,” he declared. “But windows close. The time to act isn’t tomorrow. It isn’t next week. It isn’t after the next election. The time is now.”

The enthusiastic response from attendees signals growing momentum for the Texas Nationalist Movement as it continues its mission to secure and protect Texas’s political, cultural, and economic independence.

Full transcript of Miller’s remarks are available here:

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