The following remarks were delivered by Daniel Miller, President of the Texas Nationalist Movement, on February 4, 2025, at the official launch of the TNM – Angelina County group.

Tonight marks a moment of great significance—not just for the Texas Nationalist Movement, but for every Texan who believes in the enduring principles of self-determination, self-governance, and the undeniable truth that Texas is meant to stand as a free and independent nation.

We are gathered here in Angelina County, a place rich with history, a land shaped by the hands of those who came before us—Texans who understood the value of freedom and who lived by the belief that they, and they alone, should determine their destiny. This county, like every county in Texas, is more than just land and infrastructure; it holds the spirit of our people, the echoes of our past, and the promise of our future. From the first settlers who tamed this land, to the brave men and women who stood for Texas in times of conflict and change, Angelina County has always been part of the great story of Texas.

And tonight, that story continues with you.

Each of you in this room has chosen to stand for something greater than yourselves. You have recognized that Texas’ future should not be dictated by distant bureaucrats or outside interests, but by Texans themselves. You are here because you believe, as I do, that Texas must reclaim its rightful place among the nations of the world. You are here because you recognize that the cause of Texas independence is not a fringe idea, not a fading echo of the past, but a present and growing force driven by the will of Texans who refuse to surrender their sovereignty.

A Movement Built on Action

This is not a hobby. This is not a social club. And this is certainly not just another political organization. What we are building here is something far more profound. We are building a movement—one that is rooted in the principles that carved a nation out of a wilderness. And movements do not thrive on words alone. They require action. They require commitment. They require individuals willing to stand, willing to work, willing to take on the responsibility that history has placed before them.

History has taught us one clear lesson: when ordinary people come together, united by a common vision and an unbreakable will, they are capable of extraordinary things. And that is precisely what we are here to do tonight. We are here to take action. To affirm our place in this fight. To recognize that each and every one of us holds the power to shape the course of Texas’ future.

Look around this room. Look at the people beside you. Every single person here has made a choice—to be part of something bigger, to take part in something meaningful. You are not here as spectators. You are here as participants. And more than that, you are here as leaders in this movement.

A Responsibility to the Future

Texas Nationalists now number more than 630,000 strong. That is not a small gathering. That is not an isolated group. That is a movement—a force growing every day, with more and more Texans realizing the truth that independence is not only possible but necessary.

And that brings with it an incredible responsibility.

You are the face of this movement in Angelina County. You are the standard-bearers of this cause in your communities, in your workplaces, and among your neighbors. When people ask about Texas independence, they will look to you. They will listen to what you have to say. And what you tell them, how you engage them, how you communicate this vision for a free Texas—it matters. Every conversation you have, every step you take to advance this cause, brings us closer to achieving what we all know to be true: Texas must stand as its own sovereign nation.

So, I ask you tonight to embrace that responsibility. To recognize that what we do here is not simply about politics. It is about the future. It is about the generations that will come after us. It is about ensuring that our children, and their children, inherit a Texas that is free, that is self-reliant, that is governed by its own people and its own principles.

Because if we do not act, who will? If we do not rise to this challenge, then who will fight for Texas’ independence?

I believe that answer is clear. It is us. It is you. It is every Texan who refuses to accept the status quo. Every Texan who refuses to let Texas’ destiny be decided by those who do not share our values. Every Texan who looks at the path ahead and says, “Yes, I will stand. Yes, I will fight. Yes, I will do what must be done.”

That is why we are here tonight.

To commit. To act. To build something that future generations of Texans will look back on and say, they did not wait, they did not waver—they stood, and they won.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is not just an idea—it is a force. It is a declaration that Texans have the right to determine their own future, govern themselves, and build a nation that reflects the values and culture of its people. This movement is a direct response to the undeniable truth that Texans are tired of being dictated to by a system that does not serve them, does not prioritize them, and does not understand the independent spirit that has defined Texas for generations.

But what does it mean to be part of something this significant? It means that each and every one of us has a role to play in ensuring that Texas moves forward on the path toward independence. It means we take on a responsibility—not just to ourselves, but to our families, our communities, and the generations that will follow.

You Are Part of Something Bigger

At this very moment, there are over 630,000 Texans who are committed to this cause. That number is growing every day. This is not some fringe idea. This is not some fleeting political trend. This is a movement that has captured the hearts and minds of Texans from all walks of life.

Think about that. Six hundred and thirty thousand voices, all saying the same thing: Texas must be free.

And yet, our work is far from done. While our numbers continue to grow, there are still millions of Texans out there who need to hear this message. Some of them already feel it in their hearts but have not yet found the words to express it. Others have questions, concerns, or doubts—because for too long, they have been told that independence is impossible, that Texas cannot stand on its own, that we are better off remaining part of a system that continually works against our best interests.

We know better. We know that Texas is fully capable of standing as an independent nation. We know that the people of Texas are more than capable of governing themselves. And it is our job to make sure that every Texan understands that truth.

This Is Not Just a Political Movement—It Is a Mission

This is not about supporting a particular candidate or pushing for a single piece of legislation. It is about something much greater. It is about reclaiming the identity of Texas as a nation. It is about reminding every Texan that their birthright is independence. It is about making sure that our children and their children inherit a Texas that is free, prosperous, and governed by its own people.

We must be clear: the fight for Texas independence is not just a political struggle—it is a moral imperative. We are not asking for permission to govern ourselves. We are asserting our natural right to do so. And history has shown us that when people stand together with conviction and determination, no force on earth can stop them.

A Legacy of Action and Resilience

When we look back at Texas history, we see example after example of ordinary people rising to extraordinary challenges. The Texians who stood their ground at the Alamo, the brave men who won our independence at San Jacinto, the settlers who built communities from nothing, the pioneers who tamed this land—they did not wait for someone else to act. They took it upon themselves to shape the destiny of Texas.

That same spirit runs through every one of us today. When people ask, why does Texas need to be independent?—the answer is simple: because Texans deserve to control their own future. Because our people, our culture, our economy, and our values are unique, and they deserve to be protected, preserved, and governed by those who understand them best—Texans themselves.

This movement is built upon those principles. It is built upon the belief that Texans should never be dependent on bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., to make decisions for them. It is built upon the fundamental truth that a government is only legitimate if it represents the will of the people it serves.

The Responsibility of Every Texas Nationalist

This movement will not succeed simply because we believe in the cause. It will succeed because we are willing to fight for it, to work for it, and to sacrifice for it. Every conversation we have, every person we educate, every community we bring into this movement—it all matters.

We are not waiting for someone else to make independence a reality. We are taking responsibility for it ourselves.

And that is why each of you here tonight plays a critical role in this fight. Every time you share this message with a friend, every time you challenge someone to think critically about Texas’ future, every time you take a stand for what you believe in—you are advancing the cause of Texas independence.

Let me be clear: we are not asking for permission. We are not waiting for Washington to approve our freedom. We are building the foundation for an independent Texas right here, right now.

We are Texas Nationalists. We are 630,000 strong and growing. And we will not stop until Texas stands as a free and sovereign nation once again.

That is why this movement matters. That is why each of you matters. And that is why, together, we will win.

Every movement that has ever changed the course of history has done so because of leadership—not just the leadership of those in high positions, but the leadership of ordinary people who chose to step forward when it mattered most. The Texas Nationalist Movement is no different. If Texas is to be free, it will not be because of one or two great leaders; it will be because thousands of Texans decided to take responsibility for the future of this state and act.

What Leadership Means in This Movement

Leadership in this movement is not defined by titles or positions. It is not about status or personal recognition. It is about action. It is about stepping up, speaking out, and doing the work that needs to be done, even when it is difficult, even when it is unpopular, and even when it is met with opposition.

True leadership is about setting an example. It is about showing others what it means to be committed to a cause. It is about proving through our actions that we are serious, that we are prepared, and that we will not waver in our pursuit of Texas independence.

And tonight, I want to take a moment to speak to two important groups in this room: those who are stepping into leadership roles and those who will be working alongside them to make this county a stronghold for the Texas Nationalist Movement.

To Our New Leaders

You have stepped forward to take on an incredible responsibility. You are now the ones that your fellow Texans will look to for guidance, for direction, and for strength. That is no small task.

Leadership is not just about holding a title; it is about embodying the principles and values of this movement in everything you do. It is about rallying others to this cause, inspiring them to take action, and standing firm in the face of challenges.

Because make no mistake—there will be challenges. There will be moments when you will be tested, when people will question you, when opposition will try to discourage you. But the measure of a leader is not in how they act when things are easy—it is in how they stand when the pressure is on.

Leadership is not about waiting for the perfect moment or for the right circumstances. It is about creating the moment. It is about moving forward when others hesitate. It is about pressing on when the path ahead is unclear.

You will be the ones who organize meetings, who educate those around you, who take the message of Texas independence to those who have not yet heard it. You will be the ones who stand on the front lines of this movement, carrying its message forward with strength and conviction.

To Those Who Stand Beside Our Leaders

Your role is just as important. Movements do not succeed because of leaders alone—they succeed because of the people who believe in the cause and refuse to let it die.

A movement is built on the dedication, perseverance, and passion of those who show up, who take action, who spread the message, and who never stop working toward the goal.

You are the ones who will talk to your friends and neighbors, who will challenge others to think differently, who will share the truth about Texas independence with those who need to hear it.

Every great cause has needed both leaders and dedicated supporters to succeed. The American Revolution was not won by generals alone—it was won by the farmers, the shopkeepers, the blacksmiths, the laborers, and the ordinary men and women who refused to accept tyranny. The Texas Revolution was not won by Sam Houston alone—it was won by the brave Texians who fought at Gonzales, at Goliad, at San Jacinto.

And today, the fight for Texas independence will not be won by any one person. It will be won by all of us, working together, refusing to give up, refusing to be silenced, and refusing to be ignored.

Sam Houston and the Power of Preparation

Let me share something with you about leadership. When Sam Houston commanded the Texian Army, he did not inherit a well-trained, highly disciplined force. No, what he had was a ragtag group of volunteers—ordinary men with no formal military training, men who believed in the cause but had never fought a battle of this scale before.

Yet, Houston understood something critical: those men, untrained though they were, had the heart, the will, and the determination to fight. And so, he did not ask for perfection. He asked for preparation. He asked for discipline. He asked for focus. And when the time came, when they faced Santa Anna’s forces at San Jacinto, they did not hesitate. They did not waver. They charged forward and they won.

That is exactly what I am asking of you tonight.

You may not feel like a leader yet. You may not feel like you have all the answers. But what matters is that you are willing. What matters is that you are committed. What matters is that you are ready to do the work, to prepare, to stand firm when the time comes.

Because Texas will be free. And it will be free because of people like you who chose to lead.

The Challenge Before Us

This is not an easy road. Independence movements never are. But history has shown us time and again that when people stand together, when they refuse to back down, when they remain steadfast in their pursuit of self-determination, they win.

This movement will test us. It will challenge us. But it will also define us. It will show the world who we are. And I have no doubt that the people in this room—leaders and supporters alike—are ready to rise to that challenge.

Tonight, I am asking each and every one of you to take up this responsibility. To commit yourselves fully. To embrace the role you have in this movement, whether as a leader or as a steadfast supporter.

Because we are not just dreaming of a free Texas. We are building it. We are making it a reality. And we are doing it together.

Every movement that seeks true transformation must be built upon a strong philosophical foundation. It is not enough to simply desire change; we must understand why we fight, what principles guide us, and what we seek to achieve. The Texas Nationalist Movement is not just about political independence—it is about the very essence of who we are as Texans. It is about our identity, our history, our values, and our right to shape our own destiny.

The Role of National Identity

Nationhood is more than lines on a map. It is more than laws and borders. A true nation is bound together by a shared history, culture, values, and a sense of purpose. Texans have always been a unique people, and our identity has been forged through struggle, perseverance, and an unshakable spirit of independence.

Massimo d’Azeglio, a 19th-century statesman and writer and one of the chief architects of Italian unification, famously said, “Italy is made. Now we must make Italians.” His words reflected the challenge of building a national identity after political unification. The same principle applies to us. Texas has always been a nation, but our greatest task now is to awaken Texans to that reality. We are not just residents of a state; we are members of a nation, and we must embrace that identity if we are to achieve the independence we seek.

This movement is not simply about political separation from the United States—it is about reasserting what it means to be Texan. It is about reclaiming our sense of self and ensuring that future generations understand that Texas is not just another state; it is a nation with its own destiny.

This idea is not new. The great French historian and philosopher Ernest Renan defined nationhood in terms that resonate deeply with our cause. He wrote:

“A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. Two things, which in truth are but one, constitute this soul, this spiritual principle. One is the past, the possession in common of a rich legacy of memories; the other is the present, consent, the desire to live together, the will to continue to value the heritage which we have received.”

Renan understood that a nation is not just built on territory or even ethnicity—it is built on the collective decision of a people to live together under shared values, to honor their history, and to actively work toward their future. Texas is not just a place; it is an idea. It is a living, breathing identity that we, as Texans, have inherited and must continue to build upon.

Terence MacSwiney and the Power of National Pride

Few figures understood the power of national pride and perseverance better than Terence MacSwiney, an Irish playwright, politician, and revolutionary who gave his life for the cause of Irish independence. In his Principles of Freedom, he wrote:

“Shall we honour the flag we bear by a mean, apologetic front? No! Wherever it is down, lift it; wherever it is challenged, wave it; wherever it is high, salute it; wherever it is victorious, glorify and exult in it. At all times and forever be for it proud, passionate, persistent, jubilant, defiant; stirring hidden memories, kindling old fires, wakening the finer instincts of men.”

MacSwiney’s words remind us that a movement is defined by the strength and perseverance of its people. We must not be ashamed of our cause. We must not waver when challenged. We must carry our banner with pride, knowing that we are fighting for something just, something noble, something worthy of every ounce of effort we give.

Just as Ireland fought for and won its independence, Texas too must stand firm in its pursuit of self-governance. And just as the Irish refused to accept subjugation, we must refuse to accept anything less than full sovereignty for Texas.

The Meaning Behind the Texas Flag

Flags are more than just fabric—they are symbols of everything a nation stands for. When we look at the Lone Star flag, we do not just see red, white, and blue. We see the blood of those who fought before us, the purity of our cause, and the unwavering loyalty we hold to our homeland.

The Texas flag represents the unbreakable spirit of our people. It represents our history, our struggles, and our triumphs. It represents every Texan who has ever stood for independence, who has ever dared to challenge the status quo, who has ever believed that Texas should be free.

When we raise that flag, we do so with the understanding that we are not just honoring the past—we are building the future. And every time we fly it, we send a message to the world that Texas is more than a place. Texas is a people. Texas is a nation.

Defining Our Commitment to Independence

If we are to succeed, we must be unshakable in our commitment to Texas independence. That means standing firm in our beliefs, even when others doubt us. It means being relentless in our efforts to educate, advocate, and grow this movement. It means never allowing the flame of Texas nationalism to be extinguished.

Let us be clear: Texas independence is not a dream. It is not a far-off fantasy. It is a cause worth fighting for, and it is a cause that we will win. But we must remain disciplined. We must remain focused. And above all, we must remain united.

We are not asking for independence. We are asserting it. We are not hoping for freedom. We are demanding it. And just as those who came before us fought and sacrificed for the right to govern themselves, we must be willing to do the same.

Our Challenge Moving Forward

It is easy to admire the heroes of our past—to celebrate the sacrifices of those who won Texas its first independence. But admiration alone is not enough. If we truly honor them, we must be willing to continue the work they started. We must be willing to take up the banner they carried.

We must remember that every great movement for independence was once considered impossible. The American Revolution was once considered impossible. The Texas Revolution was once considered impossible. Irish independence was once considered impossible. But what made them possible was the courage, determination, and unity of the people who refused to accept anything less than freedom.

Now it is our time. Now we must be the ones who refuse to accept anything less than full sovereignty for Texas.

Let us take the words of Terence MacSwiney to heart. Let us lift our flag high. Let us be proud. Let us be persistent. Let us be defiant in the face of those who say Texas cannot be free.

Because Texas can be free. Texas will be free.

And it will be because of you.

Every great movement is defined by its mission and its core values—principles that guide its decisions, its actions, and its vision for the future. The Texas Nationalist Movement is no exception. We are not just advocating for independence for the sake of change. We are fighting for the ability to govern ourselves according to the values and ideals that have always defined Texas.

Texas is more than just a geographic region. It is a nation, with a unique culture, economy, and spirit that distinguish it from anywhere else in the world. And the mission of this movement is simple: To secure and protect the political, cultural, and economic independence of Texas.

That mission is not just a statement. It is a call to action. It is a commitment to the future. It is a promise to every Texan—those here now and those yet to be born—that we will not allow the sovereignty of Texas to be dictated by outside forces.

This mission drives everything we do. It is the foundation upon which we stand. And it is supported by values that have been at the heart of Texas since the beginning.

Guiding Values of the Movement

The Texas Nationalist Movement is built on values that reflect the spirit and identity of Texas. These are not just political ideas—they are the principles that define who we are as a people.

  1. Nationhood – Texas is a nation with a distinct culture, economy, and government. We are not just another state in a larger system—we are a people with a shared history and destiny.
  2. Independence – Texas should always be politically, culturally, and economically independent. Our ability to govern ourselves should never be compromised by bureaucrats and politicians who do not represent us.
  3. Individualism – The basic political building block of Texas is the individual. Texans believe in self-reliance, personal responsibility, and the right of every person to determine their own future.
  4. Entrepreneurialism – The basic economic building block of Texas is the entrepreneur. Our economy thrives because of the ingenuity, hard work, and determination of Texans who create and innovate.
  5. Family – The basic cultural building block of Texas is the family. Strong families create strong communities, and strong communities create a strong Texas.
  6. Inherent Rights – Texas is the embodiment of natural rights. The government does not grant us our freedoms—we are born with them. And we will not allow those rights to be taken away.
  7. Value System – Texas adheres to the values of fortitude, loyalty, righteousness, prudence, and broadmindedness. These values shape how we live, how we govern, and how we engage with the world.
  8. Primacy of Cause – Texas Nationalism is the primary secular cause of all Texans and is distinct and superior to all other secular causes. This movement is not just another issue—it is the most important cause for every Texan who believes in self-governance.
  9. Primacy of Nation – The interests of Texas supersede the interests of all other nations and states. Texas must always put Texas first.
  10. Nature of Government – All political power is inherent in the Texan people. Free governments are founded on the authority of the people and exist solely for their benefit. Texans have the inalienable right to alter, reform, or abolish any government that does not serve them.
  11. Historical Foundation – The unique history of Texas serves as the foundation for our current and future greatness. From the Texas Revolution to today, our history reminds us that we have always been a people who stand for liberty.
  12. Indomitability – There is no challenge that cannot be overcome by the individual initiative and collective will of Texans. We do not quit. We do not back down. We do not surrender.

Why These Values Matter

These values are not just slogans. They are what separate us from being just another political movement. They define our purpose. They set us apart. They give us a moral and philosophical foundation that makes our fight for independence not just necessary, but inevitable.

These values are the reason we will succeed.

Because history has shown us that the strongest movements—the ones that endure, the ones that inspire, the ones that win—are always built on something greater than politics. They are built on deep, unwavering principles.

The American Revolution was not fought simply over taxes and policies—it was fought over the principle that a people should govern themselves. The Texas Revolution was not just about land and treaties—it was about the fundamental right of Texans to determine their own destiny.

And today, the fight for Texas independence is no different. It is not about a temporary political grievance. It is not about a single issue. It is about the future of Texas. It is about ensuring that the values that built this nation continue to define it.

Living These Values Every Day

For this movement to succeed, these values must not just be words on a page. They must be the principles by which we live.

That means standing firm in the face of opposition. That means being unwavering in our commitment to Texas’ future. That means refusing to accept the status quo, refusing to be told that independence is impossible, refusing to back down when the forces of complacency try to silence us.

It means educating our neighbors, our friends, and our families about what Texas independence really means. It means showing them that this is not just a dream—it is a reality that we can achieve if we are willing to fight for it.

It means recognizing that we are not just members of a movement. We are the architects of Texas’ future.

And it means understanding that the road ahead will not be easy. Every great cause in history has faced resistance. Every fight for freedom has been met with doubt. But that is why we must remain strong. That is why we must stay committed.

Because what we are fighting for is nothing less than the right to determine our own future. And that is a fight worth everything.

The Future of Texas Depends on Us

The future of Texas is not in Washington, D.C. It is not in the hands of bureaucrats and politicians who do not understand our values. The future of Texas is here, in this room. It is in the hands of those who are willing to stand, to act, to lead.

We are Texas Nationalists. We are bound by a shared mission. We are driven by unshakable values. And we will not stop until Texas is free.

Our future is ours to shape. Our independence is ours to claim.

Every movement that has sought independence, every nation that has risen to sovereignty, has faced moments of doubt, moments of hardship, and moments where the forces against them seemed insurmountable. The road to independence has never been an easy one—it has always been a test of will, determination, and sacrifice. But history teaches us a crucial lesson: those who persevere, those who refuse to give up, those who stand strong in the face of adversity—those are the ones who succeed.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is no different. We are engaged in a struggle not only for the political independence of Texas but for the very idea of self-governance itself. And as with every great movement before us, there will be those who doubt us. There will be those who attempt to dissuade us. There will be those who say that our cause is impossible.

But let me tell you something: nothing is impossible when a people believe in their own freedom. Nothing is impossible when men and women refuse to be ruled by others, when they refuse to allow their destiny to be dictated by outsiders, when they recognize that their future belongs to them and them alone.

The Road to Independence is Not Easy

There will be moments when we are challenged, when those who oppose us attempt to undermine our movement. We will be told that Texas is too dependent, that our independence is too complicated, that we should accept the status quo.

But history shows us that great victories are never won by those who take the easy path. The Founding Fathers of America did not win independence by waiting for approval from the British Crown. The Texians did not gain their freedom by politely asking Santa Anna to leave them alone. No, independence has always required strength, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to the cause.

We must be prepared for this challenge. We must understand that every great movement is tested. And we must be ready to stand strong when that test comes.

What It Means to Stay the Course

Staying the course does not mean simply believing in Texas independence in theory. It means taking action every single day. It means spreading the message, having difficult conversations, challenging the false narratives that seek to undermine us, and standing firm in the belief that what we are fighting for is right.

Every great movement for independence faced resistance. The American Revolution had its loyalists who sought to keep the colonies under British rule. The Texas Revolution had those who believed we should remain part of Mexico. And today, we have those who tell us that Texas is better off as part of the United States.

But what separates the victors from the defeated is resolve. Resolve is what carried the Texians to victory at San Jacinto. Resolve is what carried the Irish to independence after centuries of British rule. Resolve is what will carry us to Texas independence.

The Duty of Every Texas Nationalist

If you are in this movement, you have a duty—not just to yourself, but to your fellow Texans and to the generations that will come after us. Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to stand firm in this fight.

What we do today will shape the Texas of tomorrow. And history will remember those who had the courage to stand up and fight for a free Texas.

  • Your duty is to educate. Teach those around you why Texas must be independent. Challenge the falsehoods that others have been led to believe. Show them the truth.
  • Your duty is to engage. Be active in your community. Speak up when others are silent. Do not let the opposition control the conversation.
  • Your duty is to stay committed. There will be moments of frustration. There will be moments when progress seems slow. But movements do not succeed overnight. They succeed because of those who refuse to give up.

Honoring the Texas Spirit

Texans have never been known to back down. From the defenders at the Alamo to the pioneers who settled this great land, Texans have always been tough, independent, and resilient. That spirit still lives in every one of us today.

That same spirit of self-reliance and determination must drive us forward. We must be as relentless as those who came before us. We must be as unyielding as the Texians who fought for this land nearly two centuries ago.

We must honor them—not just in words, but in actions.

The Price of Freedom

There is a price for freedom, and that price is commitment. The question we must ask ourselves is: are we willing to pay that price? Are we willing to do what must be done to secure Texas’ future?

Because if we are, then nothing can stop us. If we stand united, if we remain unwavering in our belief in Texas, if we refuse to give in to doubt or fear, then independence is not just a possibility—it is a certainty.

But we must stay the course. We must remain strong.

Because history does not remember those who waited. It remembers those who acted. It remembers those who stood. It remembers those who fought.

And now, it is our time. It is our responsibility.

Texas will be free.

And we will be the ones who make it happen.

We have spoken tonight about history, about leadership, about the values that define this movement. We have reminded ourselves why we fight, why Texas must be independent, and why this moment in time is so critical. But none of that will matter if we do not act.

Because this movement is not about speeches. It is not about words. It is about action. It is about each and every one of us leaving here tonight with a mission in our hearts and a fire in our souls.

And that mission is clear: we must build. We must fight. We must win.

The time for waiting is over. The time for hoping is over. The time for talking about what Texas could be is over. Now is the time to make it happen.

Personal Challenge to Each Person in This Room

I want you to ask yourself something: what am I willing to do for Texas?

Not in theory. Not in principle. In practice.

  • Am I willing to have the hard conversations with my friends and family?
  • Am I willing to challenge the lies and misinformation that seek to keep Texas under federal control?
  • Am I willing to devote my time, my energy, my talents to the cause of Texas independence?
  • Am I willing to put aside fear, to stand up in the face of opposition, and to make my voice heard?

Because let me be clear: if we are not willing to do these things, then independence will never happen. If we sit back and wait for someone else to do the work, then Texas will remain where it is—trapped in a system that does not serve us, ruled by people who do not understand us, bound by laws that do not reflect us.

But I believe in this room tonight, there are people who are willing. I believe that in this movement, there are people who are ready. I believe that among us, there are leaders, fighters, builders—Texans who will not sit quietly and let history be written for them.

Unifying the Movement

We must recognize that this is not an individual effort. Yes, each of us has a responsibility to take action. But this movement will only succeed if we stand together.

We must be unified in our message, in our mission, in our work. We cannot afford to be divided. We cannot afford to let petty differences distract us from the goal.

Because make no mistake—those who oppose Texas independence will do everything they can to keep us weak, to keep us disorganized, to keep us doubting ourselves. They want us to believe that we cannot do this. They want us to give up.

But we will not. We will stand together. We will fight together. We will win together.

Because this is not just a movement. This is a revolution. A revolution of the mind, a revolution of the spirit, a revolution that will shake the foundations of this nation and remind the world that Texas is not to be ruled, Texas is not to be governed by outsiders—Texas is to be free.

Closing with Determination

And so, as we leave here tonight, let us do so with clarity, with purpose, with unwavering commitment.

We are not asking for independence.
We are not waiting for independence.
We are not hoping for independence.

We are building it. We are demanding it. And we will achieve it.

Because revolutions do not begin with politicians. They do not begin in government halls. They begin in rooms like this.

They begin with ordinary people who make a choice—who decide that they will not wait, that they will not hesitate, that they will not allow fear to silence them.

And that is what you are doing tonight. You are making that choice.

So let’s be clear about what happens next:

When you leave here, your work does not stop. It begins.
When you walk out of this room, you do not go back to life as usual. You go forward as an agent of change.
When you wake up tomorrow, you do not just think about independence. You work for it. You fight for it. You live for it.

Because this is our time.
This is our movement.
This is our revolution.

And when history looks back on this moment, let it be said that this is where Texas’ independence was born.

Let it be said that this is the moment when the people of Texas took their future into their own hands.

Let it be said that we stood, we fought, and we won.

Because we will win.

Texas will be free.

And you will be the ones who made it happen.

Now, let’s get to work building our nation.

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Texas Independence

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