The Texas Nationalist Movement is proud to announce the election of two “TEXAS FIRST” pledge signers for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Republican Party of Texas. The recent GOP convention, which took place in the heart of San Antonio, contained huge successes for the organization pioneering Texas independence. 

Since early January, the TNM has been in a battle with the Republican Party of Texas. Previous RPT Chairman Matt Rinaldi rejected 139,000+ petition signatures in support of putting the TEXIT referendum on the 2024 Primary ballot. Using a provision in the Texas Election Code, if the TNM collected 97,709 valid signatures on the petition, the question: “Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?” must have, by law, been placed on the primary ballot in March of 2024. 

Abraham George, Republican Party of Texas Chairman, and D’rinda Randell, Vice Chair, are two officeholders who signed our “TEXAS FIRST” Pledge earlier this year. This pledge is an oath taken by Texas candidates to promote the interests of the Texans as a part of the TNM’s Take Texas Back Campaign. This includes, but is not limited to, supporting and taking legislative action to give Texans a vote on Texas reasserting its status as an independent nation. 

“Last year, the RPT disenfranchised voters by neglecting the will of the people, and now we are effectively changing the party as a whole. What the political establishment once called ‘fringe’ is mainstream,” explains TNM President Daniel Miller. “Texans are sick and tired of broken promises from public officials, and it was only a matter of time before we saw more Texas-First candidates take office.” 

This RPT convention was a huge win for Texas independence. Support for TEXIT overwhelmed the RPT convention floors, with committee members and activists flooding committee rooms with pro-TEXIT signs.

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