USA Today’s latest article on TEXIT is riddled with inaccuracies and serves as a prime example of biased reporting. Find out how the Texas Nationalist Movement’s predictions of media misinformation have come true and why this is a sign of the movement’s progress.

In a recent article published by USA Today, author Nate Trela attempts to debunk the claim that Texas has an “absolute legal right” to secede. Unfortunately, the article is riddled with inaccuracies and heavily relies on sources that reference one another in a circular fashion, creating a false narrative. This outcome was accurately predicted by the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), whose President, Daniel Miller, was contacted by USA Today before the article’s publication. Despite providing ample information and expert sources to counter their claims, none of his insights were included in the final piece.

The fact that USA Today has taken up the TEXIT issue is a testament to the movement’s progress. However, the article’s widespread dissemination of misinformation does a disservice to readers who are genuinely interested in understanding the legal basis for Texas independence. When Miller was contacted by USA Today, he provided a well-researched response, citing specific constitutional provisions, Supreme Court cases, and expert opinions to support his argument. He also recommended reaching out to Dr. Matthew Qvortrup, a highly credentialed expert on independence.

Instead of incorporating this valuable perspective, the article relies on a small circle of sources who echo one another’s opinions, reinforcing a flawed understanding of the issue. By ignoring Miller’s input and failing to engage with other academics, the author perpetuates an incomplete and biased narrative.

The use of circular sourcing and the exclusion of critical information are especially concerning given the article’s claim to “fact check” the legal right of Texas to secede. A genuine fact check would have involved a thorough examination of all available evidence and expert opinions, rather than cherry-picking sources to fit a predetermined narrative. In reality, the article’s refusal to acknowledge Miller’s response or consult with other academics only serves to undermine its credibility and reinforces the notion that TEXIT is making significant strides.

Moreover, the article’s dismissal of key legal arguments in favor of Texas independence demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the issue at hand. The author disregards the constitutional provisions cited by Miller, which include Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution and the Tenth Amendment, as well as the Texas Constitution’s declaration of the inalienable right of the people of Texas to alter, reform, or abolish their government.

Additionally, the article’s reliance on the 1869 Supreme Court case Texas v. White as the sole legal authority on the matter ignores the numerous issues and inconsistencies in Chief Justice Chase’s ruling. As Miller points out, Chase’s opinion was based on a tenuous connection between the US Constitution and the Articles of Confederation and was viewed as “a reach” even at the time. Furthermore, the article fails to acknowledge the subsequent Supreme Court cases, such as Jacobson v. Massachusetts and those upholding treaty law, which have effectively overturned or challenged the basis of Texas v. White.

As the TEXIT movement continues to gain momentum, it is crucial for media outlets to provide accurate and balanced information to the public. The recent USA Today article is a stark reminder of the importance of thorough research and critical analysis in addressing complex issues such as Texas independence. By exposing the article’s flawed methodology and circular sourcing, we can hold the media accountable for their reporting and encourage more honest and balanced discussions about TEXIT.

In light of the misinformation spread by USA Today, we call on all supporters of Texas independence to share this rebuttal and continue spreading the truth about the legal basis for TEXIT. By doing so, we not only correct the false narrative propagated by biased media but also demonstrate the growing impact of our movement. The fact that a major publication like USA Today has chosen to address TEXIT, albeit in a flawed manner, is a sign that our message is resonating and that our progress is undeniable.

As we move forward, let us continue to engage in informed discussions and challenge misinformation wherever we find it. We must also encourage media outlets to adhere to higher standards of reporting and consult with experts on both sides of the issue, ensuring a balanced and well-informed debate on Texas independence.

It is essential for supporters of TEXIT to remain vigilant and proactive in countering the spread of misinformation. By sharing this rebuttal and engaging with others in honest discussions, we can continue to make significant strides toward our goal of a self-governing and independent Texas. The fact that TEXIT is now being covered by major media outlets, even if inaccurately, is a testament to our progress, and we must seize this opportunity to further educate the public and expand our movement.

To take action, share this article on social media, engage in conversations with friends and family about TEXIT, and join the Texas Nationalist Movement. Together, we can ensure that the truth prevails and that the fight for Texas independence continues to gain momentum.

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